Please read through each section before contacting me.

I entertain guests by appointment only, in my rural Escondido home. I am usually available Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm (lights out at 7pm), and on Saturday 9am to 4pm (lights out at 4pm). On the major holidays I am generally NOT available. Outside of those hours my phone will be turned off. If you contact me outside of my available hours, I will contact you back when I turn my phone back on. If you call me after 9pm, and/or before 6am, your call or text will be deleted, and I will not be contacting you in return. That shows a lack of respect for me, which is something I don't care for at all. I work through my voicemail, so if you call me you should expect to leave a message and get a return call. If we have met before, you may contact me via text or email, rather than wait for a return phone call. If we haven't met before, please leave a voicemail that includes your name, your age, when you'd like to visit, and for how long you'd like to visit. It's best to contact me early in the day, because there is a limit to the number of guests I can entertain in a day. I stop scheduling same day appointments at 5pm. If you want something at the end of the day, please plan ahead. Between 3pm and 5pm I have domestic duties to attend to, so if you're interested in that time of the day, you will need to plan ahead.
@mizzdiana4u on Instagram
@MizzDiana (Diana Bonet) on Venmo (760-522-1565)